In the previous article about how much Invisalign costs we examined exactly how Invisalign works and why that, combined with additional procedures for extremely severe malocclusions (crooked teeth), can lead to the soaring price of Invisalign products. Here we’ll examine some less-than-visible fees, how location affects pricing and why the severity of the malocclusion can have an extreme effect on how much Invisalign costs.
When you begin researching Invisalign as a viable substitute to braces or to help perfect a smile, you must understand that it is not a commodity but a professional service provided by a dentist or orthodontic professional and thus, take into account the out-of-pocket costs for the Invisalign material, the dentists (and their teams) price per hour, lab fees and records fees. These fees can add up to a considerable amount, usually $2,000 to $3,000 of the overall cost of the procedure.
There are also two different types of treatments available depending on the severity of the case, the Express and the Full or Complete. The Express usually consists of 10 trays or less and lasts for 6 – 8 months, while the Complete can involve up to 20 or more trays and ranges from 12 – 18 months long. Needless to say this can affect how much Invisalign costs by a huge amount, with the Express, in certain states, being as low as $2,800 dollars while the Complete in the same state being as much as $8,000 dollars or more. On the national level, the average of how much Invisalign costs is more than $5,000 dollars.
Here is an example of an Express Invisalign treatment routine, meant for mild malocclusions, and its related fees and costs from the state of Indiana:
- · Total amount per Express routine (10 trays/ 3 weeks apiece): $3,500 to $4,000
- · Consultation fee (some dentists are free): $25 to $75
- · Various X-rays: $200 to $400
- · Records fee: $500 to $800
- · Computerized analysis of procedure and results: $400 to $600
As you can see, there are nearly $2,000 dollars in fees alone, adding up to almost half of the overall cost of an Invisalign procedure. Complete Invisalign treatments have been reported at nearly double the price of the Express listed above and some as high as $10,000. Be sure to catch the next article on how much Invisalign costs and learn how insurance and a little research can help you save money on an Invisalign procedure.
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