Tuesday, July 19, 2011

If only there were more hours in the day...

Sometimes I wish there were six or seven extra hours in a day. It is so hard to get everything done that I have planned. Especially with this new business that I am working to build. It makes working on my book a lot harder.

Internet Article Broker is what I have dubbed myself. I suppose Websters Dictionary would describe it as a person whom buys inferior articles at a low price, edits and rewrites them to sound and flow better and then sells them to clients who need unique content in bulk.

So what I am trying to say to the 0 people who actually read this thing. Landon and Casstus will be on hiatus for awhile unfortunately, because I love them and want to develop them further. But if there is anyone out there and you can hear me please come back because I will have other thoughts and stuff posted here.


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